πŸ₯ΎLiquidity Bootstrapping Protocol

Get in early and help with the price discovery of the FH token

To establish initial on-chain liquidity for FH trading, we will employ a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP). LBPs are innovative mechanisms aimed at seeding liquidity for new tokens while mitigating early price manipulation risks. These protocols involve gradually selling tokens into a liquidity pool over a specified period, initially setting a high price to discourage large purchases. Subsequently, the price gradually decreases to reach a natural market equilibrium. This strategy fosters fair distribution and price discovery, facilitating controlled and democratic liquidity bootstrapping for projects. Leveraging the LBP will provide FH with robust initial on-chain liquidity, enabling users and traders to purchase FH through a decentralized and permissionless approach.

Key Info:

  • Start Date & Time: TBD

  • End Date & Time: TBD

  • Chain: Ethereum / BNB / BASE

  • Hardcap: 10,000,000 (ten million) USDC/USDT

  • Available to Purchase with: USDC/USDT

  • Starting Token Price: $2 USDC/USDT

  • Starting Weight: 95 / 5

  • Ending Weight: 20 / 80

  • Vesting: None

The FH token will initially be priced at $2, following a predetermined price curve influenced by buys and sells in the pool. Participation in the Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) allows anyone to buy or sell FH tokens until the sale concludes or reaches the hardcap of 10 million USDC. Upon completion of the sale, liquidity will be established, enabling users to claim their FH tokens. Any unsold FH tokens will revert to the treasury for future use. USDC raised from the LBP will seed initial liquidity for FH trading and increase limits on the core platform. All information about the LBP will be disseminated through our official channels, including Twitter and the official FH documentation.

Why use a LBP? And how does this work? A Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) will be employed to establish the initial on-chain liquidity for FH trading. LBPs are innovative mechanisms crafted to generate initial liquidity for new tokens while mitigating the risk of early price manipulation. These protocols function by gradually selling tokens into a liquidity pool over a defined period, initially setting a high price to discourage large purchases. Subsequently, the price gradually decreases to reach a natural market equilibrium. This method fosters a fair distribution and price discovery process, empowering projects to bootstrap liquidity in a controlled and democratic manner.

The LBP will give FH strong initial on-chain liquidity position and allows for users and traders to purchase FH via a decentralised and permissionless method.

FH has partnered with a trusted platform for our LBP: a decentralised, chain-agnostic launchpad built to provide crypto-natives with a fair, community-centric approach to fundraising. We’re incredibly excited to be working with them for the launch of the FH token. With this LBP partner, any user that wants to take part in FH's LBP will be able to cross a multitude of different chains: Ethereum, Base, Arbitrum, Polygon, ZkSync and Optimism. FH tokens will ultimately be claimed on one specific blockchain's mainnet. The FH LBP will be active for a total of 3-5 days, but can end abruptly depending on if the LBP hardcap is reached. If the hardcap is hit, FH trading will be paused and liquidity will be pulled from the LBP. This liquidity will then be used to create the FH-USDC Dex pool, with the final price of the LBP being the first price for the Dex swap pool. Once the Dex pool is seeded, users on the platform will shortly thereafter be able to claim their first FH airdrop and full FH platform functionality will be enabled. Once the sale is complete or the hard cap is reached, users will be able to claim their FH tokens once the liquidity has been seeded from the LBP. Users will be able to claim their FH tokens, and freely trade them with specific vesting. FH can then be deposited on the platform to take advantage of the bonuses that FH gives you as a wager asset on fullhouse.gg or freely traded. Make sure to keep up to date with FH by following both Fullhouse on Twitter. All links related to the LBP or FH will through our official links only. To confirm you are using the correct link, always refer to the official FH documentation.

Last updated